Triangle Credit Union | Community • Diversity • Service

Split banner. Left shows elderly couple celebrating competitive IRA and CD rates. Right shows woman smiling at her business.

Competitive CD and IRA Rates for Your Future

If you’re ready to invest or roll over your IRA, Triangle Credit Union has the investment tools for you.


Whether you’re just starting to plan your retirement or have already started investing for your future, Triangle Credit Union has the IRA options to help your money grow.

Triangle Credit Union’s Traditional IRA helps you save for retirement with our competitive savings rates and many tax advantages.

  • No income limits to open and contribute
  • Contributions are pre-tax dollars and taxed as regular income when withdrawn
  • Income generated is tax deferred and taxed when withdrawn
  • Annual contribution limit $6,500 and $7,500 (for those over 50 years old)
  • Use up to $10,000 towards purchase of first home
  • Must begin taking Required Minimum Distributions by Required Beginning Date

Allow your money to grow tax-free with Triangle Credit Union’s Roth IRA.

  • Roth Contributions are after tax dollars and not taxed when withdrawn
  • Income generated is tax free after 5-year period
  • Annual contribution limit of $6,500 and $7,500 (for those over 50 years old)
  • Subject to MAGI (Modified Adjusted Gross Income) limits
  • No required distributions from Roth IRA
  • Use up to $10,000 towards purchase of first home.

IRA Share Savings

To Earn DividendsRateAPY%*
$25.00 or more0.349%0.350%

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is stated as of 01/01/2021 and is subject to change without notice. Certain Restrictions may apply, refer to Triangle Credit Union’s Truth-In-Savings Disclosure, and account agreements for further information regarding applicable fees & terms. Account federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) up to $250,000.


With competitive rates and multiple term choice options, Triangle Credit Union’s Certificates of Deposit (CDs) foster the perfect opportunity for you to save and grow your money. 
A Certificate of Deposit is a type of savings account that offers a fixed rate and a fixed term to best suit your financial growth goals.

Grow your savings with a fixed interest rate over your preferred term length. Our CDs offer you a guaranteed rate of return.

This CD option is for minors within our Teen and Kids Club membership. Our Flex CD gives minors the ability to grow their savings like a traditional CD, but with the added flexibility to deposit additional funds into the account (min. $100).

On occasion, we promote limited offers on CDs with higher interest rates and a lower term.

Traditional CDs & IRAs

6-11 Months0.995%1.00%
12-23 Months0.995%1.00%
24-35 Months3.203%3.25%
36-59 Months3.203%3.25%
60 Months3.203%3.25%
6 Months Special CD 4.169%4.25%
9 Months Special CD4.169%4.25%
13 Months Special CD3.928%4.00%
30 Months Special CD3.445%3.50%

Minimum balance of $1000.00 (excluding Kids Club/Teen Club) No additional deposits allowed during the term of the CD.

Early Withdrawal Penalties (a penalty may be imposed for withdrawals before maturity). If your account has an original maturity date of one (1) year or less: The penalty we may impose will equal three (3) months dividends on the amount withdrawn subject to penalty.

If your account has an original maturity of more than one (1) year: The penalty we may impose will equal six (6) months dividends on the amount withdrawn subject to penalty.

In certain circumstances such as death or incompetence of an owner of this account, the law permits, or in some cases requires, the waiver of the early withdrawal penalty. Other exceptions may also apply, for example, if this is part of an IRA or other tax-deferred savings plan.

You will have a grace period of ten (10) calendar days after maturity to withdraw the funds without being charged an early withdrawal penalty.

*Rates are subject to change at any time*